Lost, Again
Sometime over the course of Ben's birthday party I lost the camera. Granted, this is not the first time I have lost the camera (or anything else for that matter). But it is not my usual way to lose it without first having put it "someplace safe". So needless to say, I have no pictures of the party. I am just hopeful that this will be one of the times that the lost item will reappear and not one where it will stay lost like my first wedding band.
I finished the bath mat from the Mason-Dixon book over the weekend. It is really soft to stand on. My bind off was to tight on some of the rows (I know, I usually use a bigger needle to bind off but I didn't want to whip out the US35s for the bind off) so I have a bit of a pucker. It can be smoothed out. I have enough of the yarn to make at least two more. I would like one to make one a little more rectangular, mine is a complete square.
I bought Bride and Prejudice over the weekend. I can not get the songs out of my head. It is enough to drive me batty (not much of a drive granted, but still). I have been rewatching the Lord of the Rings triology during my knitting time at night. I made it through the second one last night (extended versions of course). Milinda is coming along, although I have to rip out three rows tonight. I wasn't paying enough attention and went two rows past the row I needed to make the twists on.
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