Swim Mom Knits

Thirty something wife and mom of two boys who spends all her time at the pool (although not swimming)knitting maniacally.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Weekend Fun

Can I tell you all how happy I am the weekend is here. This has been the longest of weeks. Between Dad and work, Shane got sick, the bossman has been out for two days with the flu the kids are restless because the weather has been wacky. I am worn out. I don't think it helps to know that my Dad was planning to rip out a major portion of his house this weekend and my boss will be coming in and loading me up with work for Monday. I am going to try not to focus on all of that and just enjoy the fun and gorgeous weather we are supposed to have. Plus I think I will stop by the yarn store on the way home. I won't buy any yarn since I have already used up my free day this month, but my subscription to Interweave is gone and there might be a book I would like. It always makes me feel better to go into the yarn store.

I have girl's night out tonight. I am hoping to convince her that a movie would be good. I haven't seen a movie in the theater since James Bond and I think I would like to go. Normally, I am better not seeing any movies in the theater since I get easily annoyed by people talking. That and the BF and I have a curse with our movie going. We always end up sitting by the people who talk to each other, on the cell phone or once just for fun a lady cracking sunflower seeds open during a whole movie (American Beauty, no background music to drown this out). The BF thought I was going to cause a fight with that one, since I climbed over the back of the seat at the end of the movie and told the lady how rude she was to make that noise and leave the mess (although much nicer than she deserved). She was like twice my age and left a huge pile of sunflower seed shells on the floor for the poor people to clean up. One time, I thought the BF was going to cause the fight when she hit the row in front of us so hard the whole row shook and told the people to shut up. Mind you, we never do this without a couple of polite be quiets first.

I am down to one repeat left on the silk scarf. I am ready to move to a different pattern. The chart really hoses me up (this isn't my first chart either). I much prefer written out directions, but I am to lazy to write out what is charted.

My blocking board came in on Wednesday. So fast, I would definately order from Guardian Tablepads again. I also got a new pair of Dansko's from Zappos.com. It is like wearing slippers but that is an evil website. I may have to ban myself from it like I did ebay.


Blogger Carrie said...

Wow. My hubby and I get out so rarely, now that we have kids, that I would totally kill if people ruined the movie for me like that. I'm not even sure if I could put myself in the situation... have a great night out, though, whatever you do!

5:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you had fun at the movies. sometimes the perfect cure for a bad day is a visit to the yarn store, even if nothing was bought or a book or notion. I know when I have bad days at work I'm so thankful my yarn store is a block away.

10:32 AM  
Blogger KT said...

I hope you had some good luck with the movie crowds! And I love the colors in your scarf! Can't wait to see it finished!

Is it alright if I add you to my blog roller? I always ask =)

2:42 PM  

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