Well, I must say this has been a really odd day. I started the morning late which always makes me feel rushed. Then I got to work and my brain has not been functioning worth a darn. I went to get my lunch at McDonald's. They are doing a test thing where a live person stands on the curb and uses a wireless touch screen to take you order, the local paper was there and interviewed me. They also took pictures which I am really hoping do not end up anywhere near the paper itself. I get back to the office and fell down the steps. So now I am all bruised and achy.
On the positive side, my parents are picking the kids up this afternoon to take them camping. The house will childless for two whole evenings. I am thinking a DVD tonight and Pirates 2 tomorrow. It will be nice to see a movie with Shane again. The last one we saw was X3. We try to go see movies with special effects at the theatre because we make it pretty rarely (before X3 it was Harry Potter and that was just me).
Last night I started swatching for the purse. The denim yarn is a dark blue color and of course the dye came off onto my needles and skin. I started to look like I had no blood circulation in my hands. I didn't get very far with the swatch. I didn't like the first two and ripped those back out and am onto a third pattern. We will see how it looks.
Well, I was going to add a picture, but Blogger is not cooperating so it will wait until later.
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